Q: Does the program have automated testing?
A: No automated tests have been written.
In the case of more complex functions, try a reciprocal function.
For example, to test square root of 2, square the result and see
if it returns to 2.00000...
In the case of pi, sin(π/6)=1/2 can be used as a simple test.
However, calculation of sin(π/6) may take a lot more
time than the original calculation of pi, so reduced accuracy may be needed.
It would look like this:
Op Code: c.pi
Op Code: 6
Op Code: /
Op Code: f.sin
pi +3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510 E-0
pi/6 +5.23598775598298873077107230546583814032861566562517 E-0
sin(pi/6) +5.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 E-1